Results found: draw

IMDb 7.3

An overworked dad, missing out on his kids growing, takes an opportunity to start a "family business" thinking it will draw his family closer together - That is just mistake ...

Aug. 09, 2009

... dying on the island. They draw the conclusion that they will...

Aug. 16, 2019

Hitting a dead end, Holden suggests a bold plan to draw the killer out. Bill's family faces more scrutiny. Wendy chafes as her job begins to shift.

IMDb 6.1 2018

An artist gains the power to draw the future and erase the past.

Apr. 26, 2020

As Uhtred and his men draw closer to Bebbanburg, prodigal son Wihtgar returns with some tricks up his sleeve. News of Cnut's treachery reaches Wessex.

The War of the Five Kings, once thought to be drawing to a close, is instead entering a new and more chaotic phase. Westeros is on the brink of collapse, and many are seizing what they can ...

IMDb 4.7 2016

When bike courier Chris witnesses what looks like a murder, his first instinct is to cut and run. But when his curiosity draws him back in, he's soon embroiled in a world of ...

The War of the Five Kings is drawing to a close, but new intrigues and plots are in motion, and the surviving factions must contend with enemies not only outside their ranks, but within.

IMDb 7.7 2008

... world. As the moon steadily draws nearer to the earth and...

Jun. 05, 2015

Nomi's fate draws nearer, Capheus and Wolfgang's fortunes seem to have turned, but Sun is faced with an impossible choice.

Jun. 05, 2015

Riley's fate draws nearer, while Capheus and Sun are put to the test, and Wolfgang makes his boldest move yet.

IMDb 6.5 2015

... of passage as the trauma draws the other girls closer together...

IMDb 7.1 2015

A young woman's desperate search for her abducted boyfriend that draws her into the infamous Colonia Dignidad, a sect nobody ever escaped from.

IMDb 7.5 2016

... a visually radical memoir, Cameraperson draws on the remarkable footage that...

Apr. 21, 2017

Sophia needs to ask her dad for help, so Dax draws up a business plan to impress him, and Sophia brings Shane along as a buffer.

May. 08, 2016

Richard searches for a way around Jack. Gilfoyle opens himself up to recruiters. Dinesh draws unwanted attention from a recent purchase.

IMDb 8.2 2017

A drama teacher's taboo relationship with an unstable student strikes a nerve in her jealous classmate, sparking a vengeful chain of events within their suburban high school that ...