Results found: nadia streaker

Sep. 06, 2019

Lu blackmails Nadia, and Samuel confronts Carla with his suspicions. In the future, Guzmán is interrogated about the missing student.

IMDb 4.4 2018

Camp Death III in 2D!' is a crude, corny & Canadian comedy/horror 80's slasher parody of 'Friday the 13th Part III in 3D' and is proudly presented in two dimensions.

Mar. 13, 2020

Carla is interrogated when a student is killed at a party. In the past, she faces Polo in court, Ander has a health worry, and Nadia meets a new suitor.

Mar. 13, 2020

Guzmán attempts to make amends. Nadia threatens payback when she and Lu go after the same scholarship. Ander comes clean to his loved ones.

Mar. 13, 2020

Guzmán confronts Nadia's father. New romances transpire when Lu throws a creative Valentine's Day party. Rebeca struggles with a moneymaking decision.

Mar. 13, 2020

The Columbia scholarship winner is announced. Nadia makes a momentous decision. Samuel's concern about Carla causes issues between him and Valerio.

IMDb 5.0 2019

Red Snow is a dramatic adventure that begins when Dylan, a Gwich'in soldier from the Canadian Arctic, is caught in an ambush in Panjwayi, Afghanistan. His capture and interrogation by a ...

IMDb 4.6 2020

April Chen, a Chinese-Canadian tech prodigy, is accused of plagiarism by an unrelenting teaching assistant and must fight to prove her innocence in a secret trial held before an academic tribunal.

IMDb 7.5 2019

Norval Morrisseau was the first Indigenous Canadian artist to be taken seriously in the art world. By the turn of this century his work commanded tens of thousands of dollars. So when Barenaked ...