Results found: arrow s03e09

In Arrow's final season, Oliver Queen is forced to confront the reality of what it means to be a hero.

Jan. 28, 2020

After eight seasons, and the launch of countless superheroes, the series wraps up the story of the Green Arrow.

IMDb 6.7 2016

Miller lives alone in an abandoned Alabama slaughterhouse. His memory and sanity are shattered and his only company is the spirit of his lover, who was murdered a decade ago. Ruth arrives, ...

IMDb 6.4 2008

A 19 year old Brooklyn boy who is torn between two worlds when his photography portfolio wins him a partial scholarship to NYU. He must figure out how to balance his Italian neighborhood roots ...

IMDb 7.2 2011

13 years after the King Injo Revolt, the Chosun Dynasty is attacked by the Chung Dynasty of China. A young man named Na-mi leaves his demolished village to find his young sister, Ja-in, and her ...

Oct. 05, 2016

A deadly new criminal, Tobias Church, threatens Star City, which forces Oliver to consider forming a new team of superheroes to help him do battle. In flashbacks, Oliver faces off against the ...

Oct. 12, 2016

Oliver recruits Curtis, Wild Dog and Evelyn Sharp for his team, but his training methods prove to be too much for some to handle. In flashbacks, Oliver continues his initiation into the Bratva.

Nov. 02, 2016

When Tobias Church captures and tortures one of Oliver's new recruits, Oliver must turn to an old friend, Christopher Chance AKA the Human Target, for help. Meanwhile, Felicity's worlds ...

Nov. 09, 2016

Prometheus claims two more victims, and Oliver realizes that the killings are related to the people on his father's list. His recruits aren't happy to hear that Oliver used to be a ...

Nov. 16, 2016

When the bodies of two criminals are dropped at SCPD, Oliver realizes there is a new Vigilante in Star City. The team is split about whether they should stop someone who is helping keep the city ...

Nov. 30, 2016

Oliver wakes up to a life where he never got on The Queen’s Gambit. Robert and Moira Queen are alive and well. Laurel is his loving fiancée and their wedding is imminent. Everything seems ...

Jan. 25, 2017

Worried that Prometheus is right and he is truly a killer at heart, Oliver looks for any ray of hope and finds it in what seems to be the miraculous return of Laurel Lance. However Felicity, ...

Feb. 01, 2017

During the S.T.A.R. Labs incident, CCPD undercover officer Tina Boland develops a sonic scream after watching her partner die at the hands of drug dealer Sean Sonus. In the present day, Adrian ...

Mar. 01, 2017

When Vigilante attacks Oliver while he's acting as mayor, Diggle leads the team on a mission to stop Vigilante for good.

Mar. 15, 2017

Oliver gets closer to the truth about Prometheus. Meanwhile, Helix refuses to continue helping Felicity until she does a favor for them.

Mar. 22, 2017

Prometheus goes to extreme lengths to destroy Oliver. In flashbacks, Oliver's violent tendencies come to a head in a confrontation with Anatoly.

Mar. 29, 2017

Diggle and Felicity are shocked by Oliver's decision to ask the Bratva for help in taking down Prometheus.

May. 03, 2017

Oliver and Felicity get trapped in the bunker together, while Diggle and Lyla deal with marital issues.

May. 10, 2017

Oliver faces the forced release of criminals prosecuted by Adrian Chase, while a crate is delivered to Oliver's office containing a corpse in concrete.

May. 17, 2017

Black Siren returns to give Chase help; Felicity plans a birthday party for Oliver; Lance is angry with Rene for missing the custody hearing about his daughter.

May. 24, 2017

Oliver assembles a group of unlikely allies - Slade, Nyssa, Merlyn and Digger Harkness - to engage in an epic battle against Chase and his army.

Oct. 07, 2015

Oliver and Felicity’s blissful getaway is cut short when Thea and Laurel pay them a visit and tell Oliver they need his help back in Star City. The city has been attacked by “Ghosts,” assassins ...

Oct. 14, 2015

Oliver and Thea are concerned when a family friend plans to run for mayor. Thea starts to exhibit side effects from the Lazarus Pit. Felicity asks an employee for help with a business decision.

Oct. 21, 2015

The growing tension between Oliver and Diggle puts both their lives at risk when they go after Damien Darhk and a H.I.V.E. deployed meta-human. Meanwhile, Laurel talks Thea into returning to ...

Oct. 28, 2015

Laurel must deal with the repercussions of taking Sara to Nanda Parbat. Meanwhile, Oliver asks Captain Lance for a favor and while he's not surprised at the response, he is surprised at what ...

Nov. 04, 2015

When things take a turn for the worse with Sara, Oliver calls in a favor from an old friend who deals in the mystical, John Constantine.

Nov. 11, 2015

Felicity is frantic when she learns that Ray is alive and being held by Damien Darhk. Felicity's guilt over not finding Ray sooner causes tension between her and Oliver. Meanwhile, Sara ...

Dec. 09, 2015

After the city is attacked again, Oliver makes a bold move against HIVE. Malcolm checks in on Thea and leaves her with a warning. Things take a horrible turn when Damien Darhk retaliates in a ...

Jan. 20, 2016

Oliver must deal with the devastating consequences of Darhk’s last attack. Seeking revenge, Oliver goes on a brutal manhunt looking for Dahrk.