Ray runs afoul of a corrupt FBI chief, gets too close to a nosy reporter from Boston who is trying to expose him, and becomes the hired fixer for a sadistic self-help guru; Mickey is forced to go ...

Book Two begins as Claire and Jamie arrive in France, hell-bent on infiltrating the Jacobite rebellion led by Prince Charles Stuart, and stopping the battle of Culloden. With the help of his ...

Oliver Queen returns to Starling city after being deserted on a hellish island for five years. He decides to become a mask wearing vigilante to fulfil his father's wishes and rid the city of ...

Having achieved true hero status - Oliver Queen faces new challenges with a foe who has come back from the dead. This time, he has help in the form a new hero/side kick and a lot of familiar ...

One year later, the Four Lands are in chaos. The re-emergence of magic has the populace terrified, and an organization called The Crimson is hunting down magic users, using fear and intimidation ...